
Deity (Primordial)

Category: Primordial
Species: Liquid Softs

Lore related, not obtainable for regular characters


Divine favor (Primordial)

Category: Primordial
Species: Liquid Softs

For softs who got attention and blessings (or curses) directly from the gods themselves

  • !Mostly lore/npc related!
  • Obtainable by member-owner characters on rare occasions. 
  • Rare prize from lore-related events & only given to active users
  • Often not a physical or visible trait but rather a lore thing (i.e Immortality, Future vision, etc)
Unusual bodytype

Unusual bodytype (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Bodytypes that do not fit the standard i.e Centaur, naga, mermaid, etc

Restricted Anatomy

Restricted Anatomy (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

This applies to anything a soft usually would not have including but not limited to; Real ears, fur, paws instead of claws, etc

This trait is a case by case basis and not limited to the examples stated above, but a design may be rejected if the Unusual Anatomy trait strays too far from the world lore & what is plausible within it

Restricted  eyes

Restricted eyes (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd


  • Cyclops eyes
  • Eyes with magical effects (i.e bleeding or having magic flowing from them)
  • Eyes on the body
  • More than 1 set of eyes on the face
Unusual goo

Unusual goo (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Excluding Elemental goo, Unusual Goo texture refers to anything thats not the standard including but not limited to; Liquid metals, blood, honey, ink. etc

This trait is case by case basis on what would and would not be allowed

Material body parts

Material body parts (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Bodypart(s) made out of a different material other than soft stone, including but not limited to; Wood, Iron. crystals, porcelain, etc

The material must be solid and not be elemental in nature

This trait is a case by case basis and a design using Material bodyparts may be rejected if it strays too far from the world lore 

(No technology is allowed, such as Tv-heads or robotic Liquid Softs. Ball jointed is allowed though)


Toothless (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

The jaw is entirely smooth and devoid of any outer teeth


Merging (Odd's favor)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Two or Three softs merging into 1 singular soft or vice versa

The designs must resemble eachother somewhat and/or follow a common theme


Transformation (Odd's favor)

Category: Restricted/Odd

A complete transformation of form and traits

1 form per trait

Moving markings

Moving markings (Odd's favor)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Markings that move around the body

For moving markings on the body and goo two traits are needed

Color change

Color change (Odd's favor)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Color change of markings or the entire pallete

for markings; any colors are allowed

for a fullbody shift; upto 2 alt palletes are allowed

for color changing goo and  body two traits are needed

permanent elemental goo

permanent elemental goo (Odd's favor)

Category: Restricted/Odd

Softs that have their goo permanently as one of the available elemental types; click me for elements

Upto two elemental types are allowed, each element requires a seperate trait

Multi limb

Multi limb (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

more than 6 limbs

more than 2 heads on conjoined twins also as Restricted

Split face

Split face (Restricted)

Category: Restricted/Odd

face splitting open in vertically or in 4 pieces


Spikes (Common)

Category: Body Feature
  • A single row or spikes down the back (to add more rows of spikes or add them on the shoulders, legs, etc, use "extra spikes" (uncommon) !
  • Spike shape is highly customizable. Sails (i.e Spinosaurus)  also count under common spikes!

Spikes are a very common feature seen in softs and come in many shapes and sizes! They are useful in battle and are left over from the times when territory disputes were still quite common. In peaceful times they can be useful for tying silks, bags or jewelry as well. Some softs however wish they were smooth instead.

No Spikes

No Spikes (Uncommon)

Category: Body Feature
  • This trait makes a soft completely devoid of spikes (excluding horns)

Being entirely devoid of spikes has its ups and downs. For once you can roll onto your back without issue or carry things without fear of impaling them. On the other hand, there are no hooks to tie things to… 


Wings (Rare)

Category: Body Feature


  • Wings come out of a goo hole  in the shoulder and will have a Skeletal appearance unless Unusual wings (A rare mutation) is applied
  • Wings must be large (small wings require Unusual wings)
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