Internal ANATOMY
Liquid Softs are made out of a material called "Softstone" which is a special type of stone that gains it name from how easy it to sculpt with.
Commonly. softstone is shades of grey with silver veins running through it.
Liquid Soft goo is made mostly out of water, magic and a tiny bit of specific acid that only digests softstone
They lack any internal organs and instead have a 'nerve system' made of tiny goo veins that run through their entire body. The life crystal can be compared to a heart.
Child stages;
Gooby; A hatchling that just rolled out of the shell ! They are usually very pudgy and their goo has a very thick consistency .
Gooblet; The toddler stage, this is where any mutations start developing (if they are not birth defects), a gooblet's goo is still very thick and glossy
Softling; The child/teen stage of a Liquid soft, their goo evening out and mutations will have fully formed at this stage
Liquid soft are unable to digest anything that isn't Softstone which is why their goo is safe to sustain plants and small aquatic wild life.
Liquid Softs do not need to consume softstone on a daily basis to live, this resource is mostly used to create offspring or heal injuries in day to day life, however going years without softstone makes their bodies brittle and weak much like normal aging would.
Water meanwhile is very important to All liquid softs. Without daily water intake their bodies will dry out, crack and crumble, their goo becomes dried out and sickly after no less than a week.
When Liquid Softs want to create an Offspring together they search for a piece of softstone thats pure and round, the more circular and smooth the better. After which they will each carry the egg in their goo a few weeks each to bring it to life.
If an egg has bumps, holes, has an irregular shape or any other imperfections it boosts the chances of birth defects.
Ideally softs will chose a partner during Pairing seasons this happens once every three months and their goo will change color to reflect this. Fertile goo has the highest chances of creating a healthy offspring.
Life expectancy & dangers
A Liquid Soft who has access to Water and Softstone is functionally immortal as they do not have natural life span, most injuries can be mended with softstone and it's rare for them to sustain a fatal injury outside of battles.
Too much stress on the life crystal will cause it to crack, if a life crystal shatters the liquid soft dies.
The following things pose a danger to Liquid softs;
frozen goo;
Since their goo is made mostly out of water it is very vulnerable to freezing under cold temperatures. Just the surface freezing over is merely uncomfortable but the risks of goo freezing all the way through are very high the longer the soft remains without a heat source. This is an ailment easily fixed by finding a heatsource and/or hotspring, but entirely frozen goo may leave negative lasting side effects.
Liquid softs need water on a daily basis to stay healthy but they only need to consume softstone once or twice every few months provided they are healthy & uninjured.
Lack of either (especially water) will make their bodies brittle and crumble and their goo dry out, this puts an increasing amount of pressure on their life crystal until it eventually shatters from the strain.
While Liquid softs are not inheritedly a violent and/or hostile species, battles with rogues or violent individuals are still rather common in some areas of the world, as are disputes over territory that quickly devolve into softs from both sides attacking eachother.
A soft's most vulnerable areas are their head, neck and tail. While other injuries can be healed, deep injuries in the neck or head or often fatal.
Wait, if they are made out of softstone and also consume softstone, does that mean...?
Yes, cannibalism is a relatively common thing in the Liquid Soft world. When a Liquid soft dies, their body gradually turns back into normal softstone which can be used by other softs. It depends on the family and/or tribe on how to handle their dead.
It is considered very disrespectful and taboo to consume a body before it has returned back to regular softstone.
Some particular violent and/or desperate Liquid Softs aren't keen on waiting however, nor they do want to spend time looking for softstone themselves. They may attack still-living softs in an attempt to gather their softstone early.